måndag 19 mars 2007

Vi medverkar i ny bok om CSR

I maj kommer boken Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring på Ashgate. Redaktörer är Frank den Hond, Frank G.A. de Bakker and Peter Neergaard. Vi medverkar med varsitt kapitel. Karolina presenterar resultat från hennes studie om hur konsulter kommersialiserar CSR. Marias kapitel, som hon har skrivit tillsammans med kollegan Helena Buhr, handlar om hur CSR-frågor har presenterats i den brittiska affärstidningen Financial Times. Pauline Göthberg, som vi arbetar med i vår kommande svenska CSR-bok, har medverkar med ett kapitel om Skandias arbete med Idéer för livet.

Kort presentation av boken från Ashgates hemsida:

Since the mid 1990s political and public debates about the social responsibilities of firms have gained renewed force. Although CSR seems to be a well defined concept in management literature, in its diverse applications the CSR concept loses much of its pertinence. In Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action, the authors focus on different aspects of managing CSR in action to capture differences between discourse and practice. By examining the question from three angles - talking about CSR, doing CSR and measuring CSR - they attempt to make sense of the difference between practice and reality. This volume considers ways to overcome the difficulties that arise around CSR in action.

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